The process analyser PIOX® S determines the concentration or the density of liquids or further process quantities using ultrasounds. The sound velocity of the liquid is the primarily measured quantity for this task.
PIOX® S can be used to control the concentration of solutions or to monitor chemical reactions such as polymerization, crystallization, neutralization processes, phase separation processes, etc.
Through quality control or product detection, PIOX® can help you to reach higher quality and to optimize your process. Thanks to the continuous control of the process parameters, the periodical controls and spot tests belong to the past. The process can be controlled exactly, in case of the deviations from the target quantities, an immediate reaction is possible. A higher product quality is reached and the material, time and energy consumption is reduced.
The measurement can take place with wetted transducers or with non-intrusive clamp-on transducers. The clamp-on technology is ideal for the measurement of chemically aggressive, corrosive or ultrapure media.
27 Şubat 2009 Cuma
15 Şubat 2009 Pazar
Alacakaranlıkta Maine-Montparnasse kulesinden Paris ortada Eyfel Kulesi, kulenin önünde Champ de Mars, Harp Okulu ve UNESCO, Breteuil Meydanı, arkasında La Défense, sağ tarafında Zafer Takı ve Gaziler Sarayı, sol tarafında Paris Metro 6 numaralı hattı, metro istasyonları yukarıdan aşağı doğru Dupleix, La Motte-Picquet - Grenelle, Cambronne ve Sèvres - Lecourbe
Paris Fransa'nın başkenti ve Île-de-France bölgesinin merkezidir ve Sen Nehri'nin üzerine kurulmuştur. Tüm dünyada anıtları, sanatsal ve kültürel yaşamı ile tanınmış (bilinen) olan Paris aynı zamanda dünya tarihinde önemli bir şehir (kent) olmakla birlikte, başlıca ekonomik ve politik merkezler arasında yer almakta ve uluslararası taşımacılığın geçiş noktalarından birini oluşturmaktadır. Moda ve lüksün dünya başkentidir ve "Işık Şehir" (Ville de Lumière) diye de anılmaktadır (bilinmektedir.)
2004 yılında Paris şehir sınırları içindeki nüfusun 2.153.600 kişi olduğu INSEE (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques - Ulusal istatistik ve ekonomik çalışmalar enstitüsü) tarafından tahmin edilmektedir. [1] 20. yy.'da şehir sınırlarının dışına taşarak büyümüş ve banliyöleriyle birlikte 2007'da 12,1 milyonluk nüfusa ulaşmıştır. [2]. Paris şehrinin özlü sözü Latince "Fluctuat nec mergitur" yani "Sallanır ama batmaz" (Fransızca:« Il est battu par les flots sans être submergé »). Şehrin armasındaki "Scilicet" yani gemiyi anlatmak için kullanılır. Bu gemi Ortaçağ'da şehri yöneten güçlü "Gemiciler" (Nautes) ya da "Su tüccarları"nın kurduğu birliği sembolize eder. Şehrin koruyucusu, 5. yy.'da Attila'yı şehri yıkmaması için ikna ettiğine inanılan Azize Geneviève'dir.
2004 yılında Paris şehir sınırları içindeki nüfusun 2.153.600 kişi olduğu INSEE (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques - Ulusal istatistik ve ekonomik çalışmalar enstitüsü) tarafından tahmin edilmektedir. [1] 20. yy.'da şehir sınırlarının dışına taşarak büyümüş ve banliyöleriyle birlikte 2007'da 12,1 milyonluk nüfusa ulaşmıştır. [2]. Paris şehrinin özlü sözü Latince "Fluctuat nec mergitur" yani "Sallanır ama batmaz" (Fransızca:« Il est battu par les flots sans être submergé »). Şehrin armasındaki "Scilicet" yani gemiyi anlatmak için kullanılır. Bu gemi Ortaçağ'da şehri yöneten güçlü "Gemiciler" (Nautes) ya da "Su tüccarları"nın kurduğu birliği sembolize eder. Şehrin koruyucusu, 5. yy.'da Attila'yı şehri yıkmaması için ikna ettiğine inanılan Azize Geneviève'dir.
Paris adını nereden aldı
Paris adını Galya halklarından Parisii lerden almaktadır. "Paris" aslında Romalıların "Lutetia" yerine kullandıkları "Civitas Parisiorum" (Parisiilerin şehri) adının zamanla değişmesi sonucu oluşmuştur. Paris aynı zamanda şehrin etrafındaki yöreye de ("Parisis") verilen isim olmuştur. Cormeilles-en-Parisis ve Fontenay-en-Parisis gibi şehirlerin isimlerinde buna rastlanır.
Bu adın kaynağı tam olarak bilinememektadir. Paris bölgesinde çokça bulunan taş ocaklarına istinaden Galce "kwar" (taş ocağı) kelimesinden geliyor olabilir. Başka etimolojilerde önerilmiştir. Pierre Hubac ve Cheikh Anta Diop'a göre, Parisiilerin adı Mısır tanrıçası İsis'ten gelmektedir çünkü Paris bölgesinde İsis'e adanmış birçok tapınak ya da Eski Mısır dilinde "per Isis" bulunmaktaydı. Bir efsane de Paris adını dalgalar altında kalıp denize batan efsanevi Ys şehriyle birlikte anar. Maurice Druon "Paris de César à Saint Louis" (Sezar'dan St.Louis'ye kadar Paris) adlı kitabında Paris adının Galce "par" (gemi) sözcüğünden geldiğini iddia eder. Şekli gemiye benzeyen, su üzerine kurulmuş, geçimini suya borçlu olan ve ismini de belki sudan almış olan bir şehir. Bir ada olan Lutèce'in refahı "gemiciler" tarafından sağlanıyordu ve bu gemicilerin sembolü olan gemi de şehir armasını oluşturmuştur.
Bu adın kaynağı tam olarak bilinememektadir. Paris bölgesinde çokça bulunan taş ocaklarına istinaden Galce "kwar" (taş ocağı) kelimesinden geliyor olabilir. Başka etimolojilerde önerilmiştir. Pierre Hubac ve Cheikh Anta Diop'a göre, Parisiilerin adı Mısır tanrıçası İsis'ten gelmektedir çünkü Paris bölgesinde İsis'e adanmış birçok tapınak ya da Eski Mısır dilinde "per Isis" bulunmaktaydı. Bir efsane de Paris adını dalgalar altında kalıp denize batan efsanevi Ys şehriyle birlikte anar. Maurice Druon "Paris de César à Saint Louis" (Sezar'dan St.Louis'ye kadar Paris) adlı kitabında Paris adının Galce "par" (gemi) sözcüğünden geldiğini iddia eder. Şekli gemiye benzeyen, su üzerine kurulmuş, geçimini suya borçlu olan ve ismini de belki sudan almış olan bir şehir. Bir ada olan Lutèce'in refahı "gemiciler" tarafından sağlanıyordu ve bu gemicilerin sembolü olan gemi de şehir armasını oluşturmuştur.
13 Şubat 2009 Cuma
Adding a Huntron® Scanner to your Tracker Model 30 system lets you access components using standard DIP clips and cables, custom cables to PCB connectors or interface to a bed-of-nails.You can compare one component with another in real-time (64 pins max.) or use your PC to automate testing and scan up to 128 pins.Huntron Scanners can be used with a Huntron Access Prober to provide Common line connections while the Prober is probing a PCB. This method gives you up to 128 selectable Commons to use. For example, you can connect the Scanner to a connector on a PCB mounted in the Prober using a common ribbon style cable. While the Prober is probing, any one of the lines on the connected ribbon cable can be selected as the Common reference. This would provide you true point-to-point testing capabilities.Note: The ProTrack Scanner will be replaced by the Scanner II and/or the Scanner 31S effective 1/1/2008. This applies to commercial sales only.Scanner II and Scaner 31S users may want to consider these Optional Accessories to enhance their test capabilities.Highlights:Desing By kuzey....The Scanner II and Scanner 31S accessories add scanning capability to the Tracker Model 30All Scanners have a minimum 64 pin capabilityThe Scanner II can scan up to 128 pins when the A and B channels are combinedThe Scanner 31S use standard IDC style connectorsThe Scanner II uses the common SCSI-2 (68 pin) style connectorsUp to 8 Scanner IIs can be “daisy-chained” to increase the available number of test pinsSelecting Accessories for your Scanner IIThe Scanner II accessories for interfacing to your printed circuit board come "ala carte". This means that you select the accessories you want included with your Scanner. Choose from SMT or through-hole style DIP clip and cable kits (Scanner Adapter required with Scanner II) or a mutli-pin breakout cable. Details on these accessories are provided on this page
High-Efficiency Generators for Hybrid Vehicles
Free-piston engines could be used to generate electricity as efficiently as, and less expensively than, fuel cells.An unconventional engine design is attracting attention as a potential alternative to hydrogen fuel cells or conventional engines in some hybrid vehicles. Called the free-piston engine, it could be used to generate electricity as efficiently as fuel cells yet cost less.Free-piston engines aren't new: they were invented in the 1920s. But the increased recent focus on hybrid cars has led a growing number of research groups and automakers to start research programs to develop the technology. Unlike in conventional engines, there is no mechanical connection between the piston and a crankshaft (hence the name free-piston). Since the design allows for improved combustion and less friction, the engines could be far more efficient in generating electricity than either conventional generators or newer fuel-cell technology.Having a cheap and efficient way to generate electricity is becoming more important as automakers develop electric vehicles with onboard generators for recharging the battery pack and extending range. Such vehicles, called series plug-in hybrids or extended-range electric vehicles, are to be sold starting in late 2010. (Click here for a comparison of different hybrid and electric vehicle types.) The first will use generators based on conventional engines. But later models could incorporate fuel cells or other unconventional generators, such as free-piston engines.The potential high efficiency of free-piston engines gives them an advantage over conventional generators, and their ability to use a variety of fuels is an advantage over hydrogen fuel cells. What's more, free-piston engines don't require expensive materials such as the platinum catalysts needed in fuel cells, so they could be cheaper too.Automakers such as GM, Lotus, and Volvo have started to investigate the possibility of using such engines in future vehicles. Meanwhile, in the past couple of years, an increasing number of academic research teams have started developing the engines. So far, most have focused on computer simulations. An exception is a research group at Sandia National Laboratory led by Sandia researcher Peter Van Blarigan that has been testing physical components of free-piston engines. He is assembling a complete free-piston engine prototype, a project that he expects to complete within a year.In conventional internal combustion engines, multiple pistons are connected via rods to a crankshaft that, via the transmission, drives the wheels. Free-piston engines do away with the crankshaft: the pistons aren't connected to anything. Instead, two opposing pistons just shuttle back and forth inside a chamber. To generate electricity, the pistons could be equipped with rows of magnets that shuttle past metal coils to create an electrical current.Van Blarigan's experiments suggest that these engines could be 50 percent efficient at generating electricity--close to the efficiency of hydrogen fuel cells and much more efficient than conventional generators. Free-piston engines are efficient in part because they have fewer moving parts than conventional engines do. The engine configuration also makes it practical to tune the engine so that the fuel in a combustion chamber burns very quickly. Faster combustion allows the engine to get more work out of a given amount of fuel, improving efficiency. It can also improve emissions.The free-piston design can also allow the engine to be instantly optimized for different fuels, such as hydrogen, natural gas, ethanol, gasoline, and diesel. Ideally, drivers could use whatever fuel is cheap and readily available.The development of free-piston engines, however, is still at an early stage. "The free-piston has some unique features--simplicity and variable compression--which make it intriguing," says Gary Smyth, the science director of GM's Powertrain Systems Research Lab. "But [they] also pose a number of challenges."Van Blarigan says that one major concern is the sound of the engines: the fast explosions are very loud and will be difficult to muffle. But perhaps the biggest issue is control. In a conventional engine, the movement of the pistons is constrained by the rods and crankshaft, which help even out any variations from cycle to cycle. The free-piston engine is more flexible. That allows for using different fuels, but it makes necessary some sort of active control mechanism to ensure that each cycle is the same: variations could cause poor performance and increased emissions. High-speed computers and the ability to electronically control piston movement in a free-piston generator (via the coils and magnets) could help engineers solve this problem.Whether the engines will be significantly cheaper and more efficient than conventional engines is unclear, says John Heywood, a professor of mechanical engineering at MIT. "There's been enough development to say that it works. But with very different engine geometries, it's hard to work out just how good it is. Is it really better?" As research progresses, it will need to answer questions about efficiency, emissions, performance, and especially cost, Heywood says.Meanwhile, conventional internal combustion engines keep getting better, which could make it difficult for the free-piston design to get a foothold
Free-piston engines could be used to generate electricity as efficiently as, and less expensively than, fuel cells.An unconventional engine design is attracting attention as a potential alternative to hydrogen fuel cells or conventional engines in some hybrid vehicles. Called the free-piston engine, it could be used to generate electricity as efficiently as fuel cells yet cost less.Free-piston engines aren't new: they were invented in the 1920s. But the increased recent focus on hybrid cars has led a growing number of research groups and automakers to start research programs to develop the technology. Unlike in conventional engines, there is no mechanical connection between the piston and a crankshaft (hence the name free-piston). Since the design allows for improved combustion and less friction, the engines could be far more efficient in generating electricity than either conventional generators or newer fuel-cell technology.Having a cheap and efficient way to generate electricity is becoming more important as automakers develop electric vehicles with onboard generators for recharging the battery pack and extending range. Such vehicles, called series plug-in hybrids or extended-range electric vehicles, are to be sold starting in late 2010. (Click here for a comparison of different hybrid and electric vehicle types.) The first will use generators based on conventional engines. But later models could incorporate fuel cells or other unconventional generators, such as free-piston engines.The potential high efficiency of free-piston engines gives them an advantage over conventional generators, and their ability to use a variety of fuels is an advantage over hydrogen fuel cells. What's more, free-piston engines don't require expensive materials such as the platinum catalysts needed in fuel cells, so they could be cheaper too.Automakers such as GM, Lotus, and Volvo have started to investigate the possibility of using such engines in future vehicles. Meanwhile, in the past couple of years, an increasing number of academic research teams have started developing the engines. So far, most have focused on computer simulations. An exception is a research group at Sandia National Laboratory led by Sandia researcher Peter Van Blarigan that has been testing physical components of free-piston engines. He is assembling a complete free-piston engine prototype, a project that he expects to complete within a year.In conventional internal combustion engines, multiple pistons are connected via rods to a crankshaft that, via the transmission, drives the wheels. Free-piston engines do away with the crankshaft: the pistons aren't connected to anything. Instead, two opposing pistons just shuttle back and forth inside a chamber. To generate electricity, the pistons could be equipped with rows of magnets that shuttle past metal coils to create an electrical current.Van Blarigan's experiments suggest that these engines could be 50 percent efficient at generating electricity--close to the efficiency of hydrogen fuel cells and much more efficient than conventional generators. Free-piston engines are efficient in part because they have fewer moving parts than conventional engines do. The engine configuration also makes it practical to tune the engine so that the fuel in a combustion chamber burns very quickly. Faster combustion allows the engine to get more work out of a given amount of fuel, improving efficiency. It can also improve emissions.The free-piston design can also allow the engine to be instantly optimized for different fuels, such as hydrogen, natural gas, ethanol, gasoline, and diesel. Ideally, drivers could use whatever fuel is cheap and readily available.The development of free-piston engines, however, is still at an early stage. "The free-piston has some unique features--simplicity and variable compression--which make it intriguing," says Gary Smyth, the science director of GM's Powertrain Systems Research Lab. "But [they] also pose a number of challenges."Van Blarigan says that one major concern is the sound of the engines: the fast explosions are very loud and will be difficult to muffle. But perhaps the biggest issue is control. In a conventional engine, the movement of the pistons is constrained by the rods and crankshaft, which help even out any variations from cycle to cycle. The free-piston engine is more flexible. That allows for using different fuels, but it makes necessary some sort of active control mechanism to ensure that each cycle is the same: variations could cause poor performance and increased emissions. High-speed computers and the ability to electronically control piston movement in a free-piston generator (via the coils and magnets) could help engineers solve this problem.Whether the engines will be significantly cheaper and more efficient than conventional engines is unclear, says John Heywood, a professor of mechanical engineering at MIT. "There's been enough development to say that it works. But with very different engine geometries, it's hard to work out just how good it is. Is it really better?" As research progresses, it will need to answer questions about efficiency, emissions, performance, and especially cost, Heywood says.Meanwhile, conventional internal combustion engines keep getting better, which could make it difficult for the free-piston design to get a foothold
Do you have what it takes to become a successful Forex Trader?Forextrading, or any trading for that matter, is an occupation that requiresexperience and the accumulation of proficiency not unlike any other highlyskilled profession. Whether you are a leading executive at a major publicallytraded company, a professional golfer or trading from your kitchen table, thereare 5 key ingredients that one must possess in order to become successful.1. Youmust be Passionate about what you do.As Forex traders we all face one unique setof circumstances that does not exist in any other profession. We get rewardedfor when we succeed and equally punished when we don’t! Could you image acorporate worker one quarter receiving a significant accomplishment bonus andthe next quarter actually getting money taken from their paycheck for missingperformance targets? Not on your life!We do as Forex traders and that is whypassion for what you do will carry you through the tough times that are part ofyour trading business. Asked yourself why you trade currencies and would youstill do it if Forex were not potentially lucrative? Your answers will be quiterevealing. You’ve got to feel your passion for trading!2. You have to ApplyYourself and work hard at it.I talk to so many people that enter into Forextrading with the aspiration of getting rich quick. Without putting the time andenergy into really getting good at trading I see them jump from strategy tostrategy looking for the goose that will lay the golden egg and eventuallyquitting while blaming everything else, except the true cause.I got news for you– you are the goose and your Forex education is the golden egg. The magic hasalways resided with the magician and not some strategy. Work hard at trading andthe rewards will eventually come your way. Remember what Tiger Woods said,“Funny, the harder I work the luckier I get.” Apply yourself as a trader and itwill be no accident when your account begins to blossom.3. You must Focus toreally get good at what you do.Now here is the hurdle most Forex tradersstruggle to get over. You have the passion and you are applying yourself to yourtrade, now focus and really get good at just at what you are doing. Be theexpert to the experts at just that one thing. Become the master of a strategy orrisk management methodologies. Really focus on getting good at it.Stop jumpingaround or getting pulled from the last “latest and greatest” into the next“latest and greatest” and focus on one aspect of Forex trading and know itinside out. Know it strengths and weakness. Set your sights on becoming experton just one aspect of trading and watch it spill over in all other aspects foryour currency trading. This is the time to fail forward fast, use every setbackas a learning opportunity that will propel you 3-steps ahead!4. You must PushYourself beyond the point everyone else might have quite.In Forex Trading thisis simple. Assume there is someone on the other side of your trade that ispushing themselves and sharpening their edge. To be successful you must you mustdo the same thing. Now is the time to examine your mental edge. Do you know thesingle most critical factor in any currency trade? It is you, the trader!Sharpening you mental edge is the most difficult aspect of trading, but also themost rewarding.Start with your Forex education and gain the self-awarenessnecessary to maximize your strengths and suppress your weaknesses. Any expertwill tell you that trading is 80% mental. It’s time to sharpen your trading tothe razor’s edge and you do this through Forex education. A constant and neverending process that will become the cornerstone of your Forex experience.5. Youmust, without wavering, be Determined and Persist to your objective.You willfail. I can state that emphatically. However, you will not be defeated unlessyou allow your failures to control your trading. It is the old adage; failure isnot falling of your horse, failure is refusing to get back on. Your successdepends on your ability to dismiss the criticism, rejection, self-doubt andpressures associated with Forex trading.Defining what is a winning trade, losingtrade and bad trade will go a long way into developing you as a successfultrader. Without the determination and persistence in all aspects of your tradinglife, obstacle will definitely appear closer and larger than they actuallyare.Take a moment and assess yourself and your trading. Do you have the keyelements to succeed? Which areas are presents development opportunities? Whenconducting a self-evaluation it is critical to be totally upfront and honestwith yourself. After all, you will only be dishonest with yourself. One of themost interesting observations you can make is that all key success factors areinterwoven. One factor supports the other. This is why your Forex education is acontinuous journey of forex strategy, money management and self-mastery. Setthese factors as your Forex education goals and take your currency trading tonew heights.
Do you have what it takes to become a successful Forex Trader?Forextrading, or any trading for that matter, is an occupation that requiresexperience and the accumulation of proficiency not unlike any other highlyskilled profession. Whether you are a leading executive at a major publicallytraded company, a professional golfer or trading from your kitchen table, thereare 5 key ingredients that one must possess in order to become successful.1. Youmust be Passionate about what you do.As Forex traders we all face one unique setof circumstances that does not exist in any other profession. We get rewardedfor when we succeed and equally punished when we don’t! Could you image acorporate worker one quarter receiving a significant accomplishment bonus andthe next quarter actually getting money taken from their paycheck for missingperformance targets? Not on your life!We do as Forex traders and that is whypassion for what you do will carry you through the tough times that are part ofyour trading business. Asked yourself why you trade currencies and would youstill do it if Forex were not potentially lucrative? Your answers will be quiterevealing. You’ve got to feel your passion for trading!2. You have to ApplyYourself and work hard at it.I talk to so many people that enter into Forextrading with the aspiration of getting rich quick. Without putting the time andenergy into really getting good at trading I see them jump from strategy tostrategy looking for the goose that will lay the golden egg and eventuallyquitting while blaming everything else, except the true cause.I got news for you– you are the goose and your Forex education is the golden egg. The magic hasalways resided with the magician and not some strategy. Work hard at trading andthe rewards will eventually come your way. Remember what Tiger Woods said,“Funny, the harder I work the luckier I get.” Apply yourself as a trader and itwill be no accident when your account begins to blossom.3. You must Focus toreally get good at what you do.Now here is the hurdle most Forex tradersstruggle to get over. You have the passion and you are applying yourself to yourtrade, now focus and really get good at just at what you are doing. Be theexpert to the experts at just that one thing. Become the master of a strategy orrisk management methodologies. Really focus on getting good at it.Stop jumpingaround or getting pulled from the last “latest and greatest” into the next“latest and greatest” and focus on one aspect of Forex trading and know itinside out. Know it strengths and weakness. Set your sights on becoming experton just one aspect of trading and watch it spill over in all other aspects foryour currency trading. This is the time to fail forward fast, use every setbackas a learning opportunity that will propel you 3-steps ahead!4. You must PushYourself beyond the point everyone else might have quite.In Forex Trading thisis simple. Assume there is someone on the other side of your trade that ispushing themselves and sharpening their edge. To be successful you must you mustdo the same thing. Now is the time to examine your mental edge. Do you know thesingle most critical factor in any currency trade? It is you, the trader!Sharpening you mental edge is the most difficult aspect of trading, but also themost rewarding.Start with your Forex education and gain the self-awarenessnecessary to maximize your strengths and suppress your weaknesses. Any expertwill tell you that trading is 80% mental. It’s time to sharpen your trading tothe razor’s edge and you do this through Forex education. A constant and neverending process that will become the cornerstone of your Forex experience.5. Youmust, without wavering, be Determined and Persist to your objective.You willfail. I can state that emphatically. However, you will not be defeated unlessyou allow your failures to control your trading. It is the old adage; failure isnot falling of your horse, failure is refusing to get back on. Your successdepends on your ability to dismiss the criticism, rejection, self-doubt andpressures associated with Forex trading.Defining what is a winning trade, losingtrade and bad trade will go a long way into developing you as a successfultrader. Without the determination and persistence in all aspects of your tradinglife, obstacle will definitely appear closer and larger than they actuallyare.Take a moment and assess yourself and your trading. Do you have the keyelements to succeed? Which areas are presents development opportunities? Whenconducting a self-evaluation it is critical to be totally upfront and honestwith yourself. After all, you will only be dishonest with yourself. One of themost interesting observations you can make is that all key success factors areinterwoven. One factor supports the other. This is why your Forex education is acontinuous journey of forex strategy, money management and self-mastery. Setthese factors as your Forex education goals and take your currency trading tonew heights.
12 Şubat 2009 Perşembe
Robotic suit helps paralyzed walk
LONDON, England (CNN) -- A new robotic suit could transform the lives of paralyzed people, giving them the ability to walk again.
The invention, known as ReWalk, acts like a kind of exoskeleton. It consists of lightweight, motorized leg supports and an assortment of intricate motion sensors.
Users wear a backpack that holds a computerized control box which helps the medical device recognize when a step needs to be taken.
"Standing changes my whole environment. I don't have to look from the bottom up. Now I am eye to eye with everybody," Radi Kaiof, who has used the device, told CNN.
Kaiof, a former Israeli soldier, was paralyzed from the waist down 20 years ago. He doesn't have feeling in his legs but is still able to move with the use of the robotic suit
With the assistance of crutches, which offer balance and support, people paralyzed from the waist down can walk, bend, sit and even climb stairs when they wear the suit.
The futuristic invention offers an alternative to using a wheelchair for those who have functioning upper bodies and are capable of standing with the use of supports.
It is the creation of Dr. Amit Goffer, an engineer and founder of Haifa, Israel-based high-tech firm Argo Medical Technologies. Goffer was inspired to create the device more than a decade ago after he became disabled in an accident.
The medical technology that could help paraplegics do what was once considered impossible isn't available for purchase yet. The device wasn't ready for testing until late 2007 and currently is in clinical trials in Tel Aviv.
More trials are planned for the United States and Europe, and if the product receives the necessary approvals, it could hit the market in 2010.
The price of the device hasn't been set yet, but is expected to be comparable with the typical average yearly expense of using a wheelchair.
The robotic suit improves the quality of life of people paralyzed from the waist down, according to Goffer, who wanted to give paraplegics an alternative to using a wheelchair. It also benefits their overall health since it keeps their bodies active all day long, he says.
But when it comes down to it, the invention is all about helping people regain respect. Dignity is "the No. 1 problem" for people who use wheelchairs, says Goffer.
For Kaiof, the former soldier, the robotic suit has changed his life. Before he tried it on, his daughter had never seen him stand before.
When he stood before her for the first time, she couldn't believe just how tall he was, he recounted to CNN.
The invention, known as ReWalk, acts like a kind of exoskeleton. It consists of lightweight, motorized leg supports and an assortment of intricate motion sensors.
Users wear a backpack that holds a computerized control box which helps the medical device recognize when a step needs to be taken.
"Standing changes my whole environment. I don't have to look from the bottom up. Now I am eye to eye with everybody," Radi Kaiof, who has used the device, told CNN.
Kaiof, a former Israeli soldier, was paralyzed from the waist down 20 years ago. He doesn't have feeling in his legs but is still able to move with the use of the robotic suit
With the assistance of crutches, which offer balance and support, people paralyzed from the waist down can walk, bend, sit and even climb stairs when they wear the suit.
The futuristic invention offers an alternative to using a wheelchair for those who have functioning upper bodies and are capable of standing with the use of supports.
It is the creation of Dr. Amit Goffer, an engineer and founder of Haifa, Israel-based high-tech firm Argo Medical Technologies. Goffer was inspired to create the device more than a decade ago after he became disabled in an accident.
The medical technology that could help paraplegics do what was once considered impossible isn't available for purchase yet. The device wasn't ready for testing until late 2007 and currently is in clinical trials in Tel Aviv.
More trials are planned for the United States and Europe, and if the product receives the necessary approvals, it could hit the market in 2010.
The price of the device hasn't been set yet, but is expected to be comparable with the typical average yearly expense of using a wheelchair.
The robotic suit improves the quality of life of people paralyzed from the waist down, according to Goffer, who wanted to give paraplegics an alternative to using a wheelchair. It also benefits their overall health since it keeps their bodies active all day long, he says.
But when it comes down to it, the invention is all about helping people regain respect. Dignity is "the No. 1 problem" for people who use wheelchairs, says Goffer.
For Kaiof, the former soldier, the robotic suit has changed his life. Before he tried it on, his daughter had never seen him stand before.
When he stood before her for the first time, she couldn't believe just how tall he was, he recounted to CNN.
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